About all I can say is whew! Im doing all that I can to grow my business. I'm working every day all day and I never run out of things I need to do. I now have some of my ever changing collection at Kolectic Treasures in Anniston AL, Artscape in Pell City, and recently joined Nunley's Art Gallery on Nobel. I'm tring to keep them all fresh and updated, cleaned and changed. I haven't done but a couple of shows this year but I have one in Heflin AL this weekend. It's a new one for me. I've been gathering it up from stores this week and next week I'll take it back in. Maybe I'll sell it all, haha, not gone happen. I make every day with a passion and try to keep online up to date. I worry about how well I can discribe pieces, omg it's hard. I'm learning and growing every month though so I'm hanging in there. I'm excited about where this is taking me so far. By the time I sleep at night, I have something new in my head I want to create! Speaking of sleep, I need it and count down to show weekend in the morning!